
God we believe is the Creator of the whole universe who governs all of His creations. In another words, everything happens in this world is included in His plan from the beginning of the world to its end.

English word "history" can be divided into two parts: His Story. So history is the story created by God. It was God who made the history.
We have a book called Bible which is infallible words of God, which contains so many pages spent to write about the words of prophecies. Actually books of prophecies occupy almost one third of the Old Testament. In many other places of the Bible, words of His promises and plans are also found. We have seen the fulfillments of so many such promises in the past days.

It is necessary for us to understand that how accurate the descriptions of the Bible is. For example, the Old Testament, at its 350 spots, foretells that Jesus Christ will come into the world as the Saviour. This is really surprising. But as a matter of fact, Jesus Christ came into this world 2000 years ago and died on the cross bearing our whole sins as promised in the Book and resurrected 3 days after His death also as promised.

In AD 70, Jerusalem was destructed by Roman army. Some one million Jews were killed and those who escaped slaughter were scattered all over the world. This collapse of Jerusalem was told in the prophecies but their return to the city was also prophesised. The Book of Jeremiah 30:3 says:

"For behold, days are coming," declares the Lord, "when I will restore the fortunes of My people Israel and Judah." The Lord says, " I will also bring them back to the land that I gave to their forefathers and they shall possess it."

In 1948, The State of Israel was established. This was really the fulfillment of the prophecies told in the Bible. The days when Jerusalem was devastated and the people was scattered was long ago. It corresponds to Yayoi era in Japan. It is surprising that this scattered race rebuilt their own country after 1800 years from its fall. We can call it a miracle in history, but the Bible had clearly told the whole story in advance.

The prophecies in the Bible on what will happen in the future must be also fulfilled as the ones about the past were fulfilled as shown here.
I am starting herewith a series of lecture on various aspect of the world which may happen in the last days and on the words of the Bible concerning them.
Hoping that this series of study can offer the opportunities to study together.


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The Lord's Cross Christian Center Machida Church

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