Letters of “Welcome”   2012/12月/18 [火] 15:14

There is a letters of “Welcome” on the wall.
It is delightful.

It has started   2012/12月/18 [火] 15:17

A concert at day time elderly care center has started.

Shunsuke of Gospel Seed!   2012/12月/18 [火] 15:26

Shunsuke is playing a guitar behind Gospel Seed!
Refreshing smile!

John of Gifts!   2012/12月/18 [火] 15:29

John of Gifts!
He is new member of Gifts
He visited Australia the other day!

Ms. Ester Shimizu who is in charge of handing leaflets!   2012/12月/18 [火] 15:34

Ms. Ester Shimizu is handing leaflets of Kokoro gospel always!
Thank you very much!
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C&Wのみぎわさん!   2012/12月/18 [火] 15:38



Advice!   2012/12月/18 [火] 15:42

This is Gifts!
Yesterday Pastor Denishi who is a producer of the concert gave us an advice about talk and the way we move on the stage! br />