Waiting   2013/3月/24 [日] 17:13


Esther Shimizu is waiting for updating to the another blog.

会場   2013/3月/24 [日] 17:15


Worship in the second service   2013/3月/24 [日] 17:17


The second service starts!

We sing “Dance” lively first.

Worship in the second service   2013/3月/24 [日] 17:19


We stand up and praise the Lord together.

Video   2013/3月/24 [日] 17:20


This is our movie that we could buy the land to build a children’s care center.

Message in the second service   2013/3月/24 [日] 17:21


Pastor Paul delivers a message in the second service.

Online   2013/3月/24 [日] 17:23


The second and third service is distributed on the Internet.

Special Praise in the third service   2013/3月/24 [日] 17:24


“Uranosu” performed in the third service.


Message in the third service   2013/3月/24 [日] 17:25


Pastor Paul delivers a message in the third service.

Passion Week   2013/3月/24 [日] 17:27


This week is the Passion Week.

Pastor Paul talks about the Holy Week and Easter.